

Atlantic Bridge organises different activities for youth and with youth. They include bi-lateral exchanges, Circuit Riders, special events, the Europe Week and many more. Keep checking our calendar for information on events taking place in your area.

Most of the activities are implemented in the South Western part of The Netherlands and the region of Antwerp, Belgium,

If you happen to live on the other side of the world and you would still like to participate in our mission of building bridges, you can join our Bridgebuilders Community in two different ways. You can sign up for our Youth Updates every quarter or you can sign up for our Intercultural Training School. That’s the first step of participating in creating new bridges for a new generation in a world of increasing walls.

Atlantic Bridge Newsletters

We publish a variety of email newsletters for different groups.

For subscription purposes, our lists are divided into three regions: Europe(RoW), USA and NL. The Europe and USA newsletters are published in English, the NL newsletters in Dutch.

Subscribe to the list that best fits you (NL residents may choose either NL or Europe or both). After you subscribe below, you will receive a confirmation email — this will help us keep our mailing lists free from spam.