Connecting young people in a climate of conflicting worldviews and cultures
Building bridges is an important mission today – bringing young people to a point of contact, encouraging them to build friendships with youth from other cultures, training them to make a difference in their world – this is the heart of Atlantic Bridge.
Through Bridgebuilders clubs, Atlantic Bridge aims to mobilize and train young people, encouraging them to become agents of change – to break down walls of prejudice, ignorance and indifference and build bridges of friendship, faith and understanding.
Atlantic Bridge wants to link you with youth throughout Europe in order to help your youth group develop, to strengthen existing youth work, or to initiate new youth work. If you lead or belong to a school-based youth group (such as an English-language Club), then please get in touch with us – we may be able to set up a cross-cultural link for you and help organize exchanges projects.
Projects include special research assignments (such as “Marco Polo” projects), or First Contact Tours in which your group visits a variety of locations with a view to establishing a regular link with one of them.