Our Staff
Are staff currently consists of John Oostdyk, founder and director, and Stoffel Slabbekoorn, bookkeeper and finances.
As finances allow, we will be increasing our staff with several other positions starting with a few hours to gradually build up the work time. It is our intent to build a staff of three by the end of 2023, five by the end of 2024.
Staff is primarily selected on the basis of involvement in the program.
If you are interested in joining, please visit the “vacancies” section under “getting involved”.
Our Interns
Our volunteer and internship program is a seven to eleven month internship that starts in January or October each year and ends in August or December the next year. It is a key part of the Bridgebuilders Community that equips young people and young adults for the challenges of cross cultural communication and for the many bridges that need to be built in our world today.
When you join our internship program you will live and work together with other European and American volunteers, meeting young people from all over Europe and, as a team, work together to accomplish the mission of building bridges both locally, regionally and on a European and North Atlantic level. Your home base during this time is The Vierslag, a large building in the middle of a small village in the Zeeland region of The Netherlands.
Our Trainers
Training young people is the second of the four aims & objectives we build into each of our programs and projects.
Training can include several specific elements that we focus upon at different events or in different AB contexts:
Our Volunteers
Join a Regional Support Team and help young people in their efforts to move forward in their lives and affect the lives of countless others they meet on their path.
You can also help out during events, provide dinners for the Bridgebuilder weekends or become host families to provide a home and the bed for the many youth that travel to meet others!
Our Circuit Riders
Many years ago men on horseback rode the western plains as saddleback preachers inspiring new believers and nurturing new churches. They became known as the Circuit Riders.
Today a new generation of Circuit Riders is emerging, not on horseback but travelling by train, on bicycle and by car connecting with youth groups, visiting schools and churches across Europe.
Council of Reference
We have some good things to say about Atlantic Bridge.
Atlantic Bridge is a small organisation and we ask all staff and volunteers to raise their own support. We are happy to help you in your fundraising efforts by providing a support letter and other promotional materials.